Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What to Do for Your Business in Slow Times

Photo by nutmeg66

In business, there are good times as well as slow times. Nobody wants to go through the latter if he can helps, but like it or not, that's inevitable. You can whine, complain and blame everything under the sun for all you like, or you can take the opportunity to do something during these slow times to prepare yourself for the future. Here are 5 tips on what you can do when times are slow. I hope you find something useful!

1. Re-evaluate Your Business

Step back and take a good look at your shop. Not only you should try to see what you have been doing right, you should also try to find out which areas of your business you can improve on.

2. Work on Something which You Have Always Wanted to

Do you have a project in mind which you could never find the time to do? Instead of wasting your time fretting over the slow times, why not get yourself busy and start working on that project that has been in your back burner all this while?

3. Catch Up with Your Past Customers

Drop an email to your past customers and let them know what you have been up to and invite them to visit your shop by offering them some special offers.

4. Learn a New Skill

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to keep learning. I would grab the chance to learn something new when times are slow.

5. Plan for the Future

The slow times will go away, but no one is sure it won't come back. It's your responsiblity to make sure that the next time it returns, you're better prepared for it! The only way to make sure of that is to plan ahead for the future. Be it a new marketing plan, better product design, or improved customer service, you can only win by being prepared.

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